Couple of scripts to make it easier to mass generate CSRs & install the SSLs on mass as well:
Both require a csv spreadheet called domains.csv, 1st column domain, 2nd username. For the csr generation if company details are not constant, add columns to csv file and use awk to generate variables. For example if country is the third, add as a variable like this:
country=$(awk -F, -v r=$linenumber -v c=3 ‘{if(NR==r)print $c}’ domains.csv)
CPANEL’s gui for generating CSRs, auto includes Subject Alternative Name (SAN). Which some SSLs providers don’t support or I’ve seen issues preventing a cert covering both the domain and www and then requires a reissue. This script generates a single CSR without a SAN.
All comments are welcome.
Thanks Tom.